Chiropractic Services

Dr Paul Hatton
Chiropractic treatment is another important facet of holistic health and healing. If you have an existing condition, chiropractic treatment provides a vital contribution to the process of becoming well. If you have no specific issues, your chiropractic visits will assist you in maintaining that level of suppleness and alignment in your body.
Dr. Paul Hatton's approach is to work with the body and the individual to bring out your natural healing forces. Dr. Hatton is well-educated and also has the natural gift of healing that makes the difference between a "doctor" and a "healer." His patients adore him because he offers both, supported by a deep underlying love of and interest in people. You will be well taken care of, listened to, and guided in your path. Those who see Dr. Hatton report that the information he shares with them is just as valuable as the physical treatment he provides.

Dr Paul Hatton is a 2007 graduate of Texas Chiropractic College and registered yoga teacher. Dr. Hatton approaches health as any other science, as a logical process of putting the simple solutions first. Since we know that nothing can affect our mood or spirit like being in pain, then it seems logical that our pain can stem from our mental states. Most conditions can be either eased or eliminated by a few simple, guided steps in logical order. This allows the body and mind to heal with the obstructions to health out of the way. These steps may include one or more of the following: increasing range of motion, physiotherapy, spinal or joint adjustments, guided visualization, meditation, nutrition consultation, ayurvedic processes, or various other suggestions. Dr. Hatton feels more at home in a slower-paced, patient-centered practice rather than one that involves seeing a large number of patients with less face-to-face time. Being based in the Rasa Yoga environment, the opportunity is there to provide peaceful, deliberate care; focusing on the individual, rather than focusing on the doctor and his needs.
Please call us for more information about getting started with chiropractic wellness! Call 281.282.9400 or fill out the appointment request form.

Chiropractic Appointment Request Form
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